At HPC, we believe a healthy community is an active community. Take a look at our many opportunities to volunteer, to participate in social events and to take part in learning and growing together.
Tea & Coffee
Everyone is invited for tea and coffee in the ‘Welcome Area’ after the service.
Lisburn Foodbank - Shopping List​
Rice pudding
Tinned spaghetti
Microwave rice
Instant noodles
Antibacterial spray
Razors & shaving foam
Helping Hands Knitting
Helping Hands Knitting Group meet on Tuesday 28th January at 2pm in the Welcome
Study Group
Study Group continues on Wednesday 29th January at 7.30pm in the Downshire Room. The focus is Isaiah 40-66 - The Vision Expands.
Happy Stitchers
Happy Stitchers meet on Wednesday 29th January at 7.30pm in the Art & Craft Room.
Car Boot Sale
The Car Boot Sale takes place on Saturday 1st February. As always items are required for the Cake, Bric-a-brac, Plant and Nearly New Stalls. Volunteers are also needed to staff the Church stalls. Come along to help, browse the stalls, enjoy the company of friends.
Prayer Resources
Prayer Resources for private prayer and reflection, on the topic of Peace and Good Relations, will be available in The Quiet Room until the end of January.
Personal Prayer
Personal prayer after church. If you would like someone from our prayer team to pray with you after morning worship in a quiet confidential setting please go to the Quiet Room after the service where a member of the team will be glad to share with you in prayer.
Ignite & Flame
Ignite & Flame are going Bowling and for Pizza on Sunday 26th January. This is open to all young people in P7 and upwards in our Church. If you are interested speak to Michael Anderson for information and consent forms.
No Spark Youth Club on Friday 31st January.
Wednesday Morning Prayer
Wednesday Morning Prayer. We continue our weekly time of prayer on Wednesday morn- ings at 7.30am. Next Morning Prayer 29th January. This is a time for us to gather and pray for the life of our church, for growth in our community and for individuals within our con- gregation. We meet in the Quiet Room.
Charity Coffee Morning
Jennifer Bell, a member of the congregation, is fund raising for Crohn’s & Colitis UK by hosting tea, coffee and bakes in Downshire Tennis Club on Saturday 1st February from 2- 5pm. All proceeds will go to the charity
Bowl & Bap
Bowl & Bap soup lunches continue on Thursday 30th January at 12noon.
Antiques & Collectables Fair
Antiques & Collectables Fair will be held on Saturday 15th March from 10am until 4pm. As in the past the Church will have a stall and any donations of antiques and collectables will be much appreciated.