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covid update

In response to the ongoing challenges that COVID has brought, we are now livestreaming our church services in addition to in-person worship.  You can watch on YouTube at the normal start time of 10.30am each Sunday using the link below.  


If you are watching using the video player to the right, remember to choose the full screen button in the bottom right hand corner (       ) when you are 

hovering over the video.



A prayer for such a time as this:
God of love, your Son brought healing to the sick, and hope to the despairing.

We pray for all who suffer pain or bear the burden of illness. Give them the strength and comfort of your presence, and surround them with your restoring power. May they know the fellowship of Christ, who bore pain and suffering for us and at the last won victory over death.


Bless those who share with Christ a healing ministry; doctors, nurses, researchers and support staff. Use their expertise and empathy to relieve suffering, conquer disease and restore to health once more. May you crown their efforts with success and strengthen our nerve to face our fears and a future beyond our ultimate control.


In this time of deep uncertainty, we pray for those whose task it is to make momentous decisions affecting so many that they may have your Spirit’s wisdom and stamina to serve the common good. And where concerns about people’s livelihoods are real and urgent we pray for appropriate measures to allay fears and provide necessary security.


And all this we ask through Jesus Christ our Living Lord. Amen.




In times of crisis faith communities look to their core writings for a sense of direction and reassurance. Here are a few suggested texts that you may find useful at this strange and unnerving time:


Psalms 23, 27, 42, 46, 90, 91, 103, 130, 131, 139
Isaiah 40, 41:10, 43:1-7, 65
Mark 4:35-41, 9:14-29 (especially verse 24)
John 11:17-27
Romans 8:18-39
2 Corinthians 1:1-6:13



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